The traditional meeting of mountaineers and climbers in Paklenica from April 26 to May 1, 2013.
The traditional meeting of mountaineers and climbers in Paklenica from April 26 to May 1, 2013.
This year, 14 International Meeting of hikers and climbers in Paklenica National Park opens a unique performance - vertical dance remake of “Little Tragedies” which will perform Mary Šćekić, dance artist and the founder of Histeria Nova.
The performance is part of a multidisciplinary project Vrata Velebit which is aimed at highlighting the disappearance of the need to preserve natural and cultural heritage of Velebit and promote vertical dancing in Croatia.
In addition to traditional competition in speed climbing big rocks known as the Big Wall Speed Climbing Meeting brings a whole array of events such as the 6th Published Paklenica Outdoor Film Festival and Kid `s Speed contests for children, lectures and concerts.
Novelty numerous additional outdoor events: trekking race, top rope contest for non climbers, “24 hours Paklenica” paintball tournament, etc.
More about the program 14. International meeting climbers Paklenica 2013…
More about the project VRATA VELEBITA…
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